Awakened Heart of Practice: Metta. Compassion, Joy, & Equanimity
with Heather Sundberg
Hosted by Mid America Dharma
Tuesday, April 17 – Sunday, April 22
Mercy Conference and Retreat Center in St. Louis, MO
Taught by Janice Sheppard:
April 12-15, 2018
Mindfulness, Concentration & Insight Meditation as a Spiritual Path
Taught by Janice Cittasubha Sheppard & Steven Spiro
Sponsored by the North Suburban Mediation Community & the Chicago Weekly Sitting Meditation Group
Techny Towers Conference and Retreat Center, 2001 Waukegan Road, Techny, IL 60082
Registration Form at: https://www.meetup.com/Northwest-Suburban-Meditation-Meetup/events/247195702/
For more details or questions: Mark Zelkowitz, Organizer, North Suburban Meditation Community (mnzdragon@gmail.com or 847-927-9427)
June 8-10, 2018
The Balance Point: Being Peace
Taught by Janice Cittasubha Sheppard & Steven Spiro
Sponsored by Smiling Dandelion Sangha
Horizon Village
UW – Oshkosh Campus 700 Elmwood Ave. Oshkosh, WI 54902
For details or to register: Jeanna Owens; smildandsangha@gmail.com
September 28-30, 2018
Theme to be determined
Taught by David Haskin & Janice Cittasubha Sheppard
Sponsored by the North Suburban Mediation Community & the Chicago Weekly Sitting Meditation Group
Chicago Cenacle Retreat & Conference Center, 513 W Fullerton Ave., Chicago, IL 60614
For details or to register: Steve Starr, Organizer, Chicago Weekly Sitting Meditation Group (stephenbstarr@gmail.com or 847-644-2389..)
Tri-State Dharma Retreat – Oakwood Center, Selma, IN
Things Change: The Buddhist Teaching on Impermanence
with Wendy Eisner and Helen Vantine
March 23-30, 2018 (7 night) – $780
March 23-25, 2018 (2 night – Weekend Only) – $225
There are only a few spots available in our next retreat. We will give priority to those registering for the weeklong retreat until February 23. On February 23, we will release any remaining spots to weekend retreatants who are on our waiting list.
Please register through our website now: www.TriStateDharma.org/residential/
Questions?? Email Sangha@tristatedharma.org
Retreat flyer: https://gallery.mailchimp.com/ae6c1073ed98a6aed9655584f/files/1a7ca766-9c5a-46ef-8a7f-9107f47084d3/Eisner_Vantine2017RetreatFlyer_121017.pdf
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Insight Chicago Meditation Community · P.O. Box · Chicago, IL 60640 · USA