Day of Mindfulness THIS weekend: Oct 18th 9-4pm

Day of Mindfulness – Fall 2014
Date:   Saturday, October 18th 
Time: 9:00am until 4:00pm
Place: Unitarian Universalist Church Bloomington Normal

           1613 East Emerson

           Bloomington, Illinois            

We will offer alternating periods of sitting and walking/open meditation along with readings, and a recorded Dharma Talk.    

The readings will come from the book Insight Meditation and dharma talk by Joseph Goldstein.  


We have 20 people signed up so far, so come a few minutes early to get situated. 

Cost: still! – $0.00 

Refreshments: We will provide tea and coffee.  If you would like to bring snacks to share please feel free to bring those. 

Lunch:  Please provide your own lunch.  There is a refrigerator and a microwave available. 

Meditation supplies: If you prefer a cushion or bench please bring whatever you normally use.  There will be chairs available.  

Silence: While there will be readings and recorded talks, participants are encouraged to maintain silence throughout all the activities of the day.

Perfumes/Colognes/Clothing:  Because of the closeness of quarters and the sensitivity that can arise in meditation please refrain from wearing perfumes or colognes or from wearing clothing that is made from noise-making, rustling fabrics such as nylon.   

If you plan to attend please let me know at (No need to RSVP again, if you already have) Jeff