Zuiko Redding Visit, 11/10 Dharma Talk, 11/11 Extended Zazen

Beautiful Meditators, I occasionally forward opportunities to meditate, learn or connect with others in the our area.  Below is one such opportunity.   As always, we sit in meditation together each Sunday at 6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m. at UUBN at 1613 Emerson Avenue, Bloomington, IL.  All are welcome to attend.  Visit our website at www.bnmeditation.com  If …

Fwd: Oct. 6/7, 2018 Second Annual Fall Mindful Reflection Community Retreat

Since we’ve been talking about retreats… FYI. Hope to see you this Sunday at 6:00-7:30 at UUBN for meditation.  We’ve been meeting in the garden if the weather permits.   Carolyn Begin forwarded message: From: Terry Kinsey <terrykinsey@gmail.com> Subject: Oct. 6/7, 2018 Second Annual Fall Mindful Reflection Community Retreat Date: September 20, 2018 at 3:43:45 …

Outside meditation this Sunday and an October retreat opportunity

Hi beautiful Bloomington Normal Meditators, Weather permitting, we’ll be meditating outside at the memorial garden behind UUBN on Sunday night from 6:00-7:30. Bring a folding chair or cushion.  Some people wear inspect spray. There are stone benches and brick walkways. If the weather isn’t suitable, we’ll meet inside the church.  Below is a retreat opportunity …

Fwd: Registration is open for our retreat with Rebecca Bradshaw!

You are receiving this email because you are on the Bloomington-Normal Meditation Group website.  If you’d like to be removed from the list, just email me anytime.  I occasionally forward information about other groups or retreat opportunities in the area. And as always, we meet each Sunday at UUBN from 6-7:30 to meditate together.   …

Upcoming Meditation Events

I occasionally forward information about retreats within driving distance.  Hope to see you all soon. Peace, Carolyn Moon Begin forwarded message: From: Insight Chicago Meditation Community <info@insightchicago.org> Subject: Upcoming ICMC Events Date: June 24, 2018 at 10:28:22 PM CDT To: cjmoon@mac.com Reply-To: Insight Chicago Meditation Community <info@insightchicago.org> View this email in your browserInsight Chicago Meditation …

Some upcoming meditation opportunities in the Oak Park area

Hi Beautiful Bloomington Normal Meditators, Here are a few meditation opportunities in the Chicago area at the Unity Temple.  Note the October 6-7,  2 day retreat in Ingleside, IL.   If you hear of meditation opportunities that you would be willing to share with the group, please forward them to me and I will send …

This Sunday Meditation

Hi Beautiful Meditators, As always, we’re meeting to meditate together this Sunday at 6:00-7:30. Also, the steering committee is going to meet before to talk about books, movies, retreats, or social events. If you’d like to help “Steer”, send me and email. Peace. Carolyn Moon