Beautiful Sangha, We will be meeting as usual in the Walker Room of UUBN at 6:30, arrive 5 minutes early to get settled. Optional discussion following meditation will be from 7:30-8 pm. The reading is the last one in our group read: Best Buddhist Writing 2013 and is titled I Kinda Vow by Genine Lentine. …
Category Archives: Announcements
Meditation January 25, 2015
Dear Sangha, Today we will meet at UUBN in the Walker Room at 6:30 – 8 PM for meditation and discussion. The chapter we will discuss is the 27th in our group read: Best Buddhist Writing 2013 and is titled: Uprooting the Seeds of Anger by Jules Shuzen Harris Please arrive 5 or 10 …
Meditation Jan. 18, 2015
Dear Sangha, We will be meeting at 6:30 to 8 pm at UUBN. We may be changing rooms tonight due to other events in the church. Discussion from 7:30 to 8 pm portion is optional. Please arrive 5 minutes early so we can start on time. The reading is Chapter 26 in Best Buddhist Writing …
Meditation Sunday Jan. 11 from 6:30 – 8 pm
Dear Sangha, Join us to meditate on Sunday Jan. 11 at 6:30 pm in the Walker Room of UUBN. This week’s discussion will be on the 25th chapter of our group read: Best Buddhist Writing 2013. The chapter is titled: The Third Turning of the Wheel Turning by Reb Anderson I can provide a copy …
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Tonight’s Meditation
Dear Sangha, Today we will meet for meditation at 6:30 – 8 pm in the Walker room of UUBN. The reading is chapter 24 of The Best Buddhist Writing 2013, titled: The Power of Gone by Shinzen Young Try to arrive a few minutes early so we can start on time. Let me know if …
update Thich nhat hanh Thanks, Jeff for sending this out. Our reading for this week will be in a later email. Karen
December 28th Sangha at 6:30 pm – 8 pm UUBN
Dear Sangha, We will be meeting as usual in the Walker room at 6:30 – 8 pm for sitting and walking meditation. The last half hour is reserved for discussion of our reading. Since we had to cancel last Sunday’s meeting, we will discuss the reading that was scheduled for that time. ( the 23rd …
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Upcoming retreats: Whole day (Jan. 1st) & Half-day (Peoria Jan. 3rd)
On Thursday, January 1st, we (Bloomington Normal Meditation) will have our Annual New Years Day of Mindfulness and on Saturday, January 3rd, the Peoria Insight Meditation group will hold a half day retreat.Information on both retreats are on our respective Facebook pages or if you need more information you can contact me directly.There are a few of …
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Upcoming Day of Mindfulness Bloomington New Years DAY 9 am – 4 pm
A day of Mindfulness is the gift you give yourself! Get it on the calendar and RSVP Jeff O. if you haven’t yet and if you have any questions about the event, email me or Jeff directly. :) Karen Upcoming Day of Mindfulness The New Year is coming. You could sit at home and work …
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Meditation Dec 14 & 22nd
Dear Sangha, This week is our 5th anniversary of the beginning of our sangha at UUBN. Just when I think I am too “busy” to meditate, I am reminded that that is exactly when we started the group, in the midst of the busy season. The readings for the next two Sunday’s Sangha are Chapter …